Junior Theme

The topic of my junior theme revolves around Hollywood. Specifically, the over-sexualization of minors as well as addressing the power dynamic between big name producers and the people working under them, and how they may abuse that power to get away with horrible crimes.

This topic is something I've been passionate about ever since I've had access to the media. Ever since I've understood the gravity of the situations at hand, I've always held victims of grooming and sexual violence extremely brave for speaking out when their voices may be drowned out due to going up against a person who seems to have leagues more power than they do. I want to be able to educate people about the severity of these issues and how common they are, in hopes that in the future victims will feel like their voice is less likely to get lost in the sea of status that their abusers seem to float above. Despite always knowing this issue as one that's important to me, my opinion did change as I wrote my paper. Obviously, I didn't change to support the people who commit these crimes, but I grew to appreciate the importance of the individual reports. It's easy for someone to become a statistic, or just another number in some greater scheme. However, that's incredibly dangerous, especially in situations like these. Adding victims to a count diminishes their experiences and make them feel what they went through is less significant. It's important to make sure every story is heard, and every story stands out with individuality to respect the trauma of these victims. My topic has been an issue for generations, but with things like the #MeTooMovement, it's becoming more common for victims to speak out. I hope that this mindset continues, and victims will continue to come forward in order to share their stories in a way where they feel they'll be supported no matter what.


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